Thursday, 30 June 2011

gado lagi .. =3

oke fine..idop ni mmg peno ngan cabaran..cabaran pling besar di hidup ku.. PEREMPUAN .. aq da sorg budak kelas aq nme die.. N...oke time arie isnin..die rijek2 aq..ckp aq playboy and suke budak india.. oke fine.... aq x ckp pape..and den esok harinyer.. die kter.. "ko apsal ckp aq jeles??"..oke.. PROBLEM!!.. rupe2 nyer sorg %$#@! tlh wat citer..buruk2 kan nme aq.. nme die Syafiq bin saden.. (HAHAHA!) tpi si N ni..x nk mengalah.. die tau si saden ni salah..tpi die still nk salahkan aq.. die suke aq kowt.. :3.. haha!

Friday, 24 June 2011

bole x jgn gado?

HOLLA!.. aq ade 2 kwn.. x nk sebot nme die.. sorg ni.. kwn kelas aq.. nme die S.. die ade kapel.. kelas laen.. nme die A.. diowang ni gado..suke libatkan org laen.. especially aq.. pergh..susah jdk org tgh.. S kater.. "himan..bitau ape A buat semalam die ade jln ngan lelaki laen kan?..".. A kater" hilman..bitau S ade dekt ngan pompuan laen x??" pastu klu aq jwb dgn jujo...diowang gado..klu ckp bohong.. diowang kter "ko tipu arh!! ape masalah ko ni?? apsal nk tipu?!?!" HUH! ape kter.. korg kpel x yah susahkan aq.. and jgn jerit kuat2 kat aq..mcm nk sepak jek korg ni..

Tuesday, 21 June 2011


sume sek akan kasik netbbok free kan kat sek kowang?? sek aq pown ade.. tpi die kasik 70+ jek.. die kasik yg . "BERDISIPLIN" dan "BERPELAJARAN".. masalahnyer.. aq pown ade 2 bende tu.. tpi x dpt.. sabo jek..pastu ade 2 budak pompuan baru kelas aq.. budak seta..diowang dpt au.. tpi nk kte pandai.. err... -,-".. pastu lgi saket ati.. die bole ejek lagi sekolah tasek 2 ni..die kater sengkek sebb kasik 70+ jek..mcm $#@! lah kowang.. mcm nk kne siku..

Sunday, 19 June 2011

"kawan yg pendengki"..

testing 123.. korg ade x kwn yg skalu dengki kat kowang?? biler tgok sket aq nk usha..msti kcau line.. adoi.. =="..susah btol ade kwn nk terajang jek.. dah lah kcau line..pastu gi buruk2 kan nme aq.. lagi menganjng.. dah tu..pegi ckp aq skandel ngan "MAMAT".mne tah.. mmg best.. standby usha awek ko..wakaka.. 

Friday, 17 June 2011

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Kung Fu panda.. ^.^

korg da tgok kung fu panda?? giler mmg 5 star aq kasik..haha..mmg lawak giler "po"..tpi aq kat sni bukn nk citer kung fu panda..tpi nk citer ape yg jadik time aq tgok wayang citer kung fu panda..wakaka.. agk memalukan..
camni.. time2 aq tgh tgok citer tgh mkn popcorn..biase la kan..tgok wayang mesti ade popcorn..tengah2 best lyn popcorn satu bab yg lawak giler kluar.. aq pown ketawa terbahak2..tpi..popcorn maseh kat tekak..berhenti jek ketawe..popcorn x nk naek x nk turun..die stay jek kat kerongkng pown cube batookkan..skali terbatok ngan kuat..alamak..satu wayang tgok aq..leps diowang ketawe tgok po..diowang ketawe denga aq batok.. suey toll.. kung fu panda bwk suey.. -,-"

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Dunia yg terbalek..

oke..ehem..ehem..testing 123... oke..cube teka rie nie aq breakfast ape?? FAVOURITE AQ!! NASI LEMAK AYAM!! pergh..mmg betol..aym spt bahagian dada.. lagi syok..pastu pukol 2..time mkn tgok..ade jemput2.. aq tye mak aq" ibu!! mkn ape bu??"..ibu tunjuk jemput2 tu..
breakfast- nasi lemak ayam
lunch- jemput2..

Friday, 10 June 2011


aq btul2 x sngka ngn prngai ko..sbb wlaupon aq rpt ngn ko,,aq tw ko x mcm,,psl pe kwn2 ko 2? diorg cita kt aq mcm2 psl ko..smue org dh ckp psl cuba utk x mw prcya tp x heran psl pe ko bley jd cm niy..wt cm 2? pdhal ko antra yg trbaek bg aq..ok la ko bg sbb pe ko nk wt cm 2? ko x tkut ksnnye ke nnti? aq plik ngn t...abiat ko niy..tlg laa brubah dmi mse dpn x prcye smue 2..jd aq nk tnye sndri..btol ke ko.."berus ggi pakai berus jmban?" hahaha..jgn pon trkne laa kt mmbr2,,klu dpt msti mrh.kaahkahkah :D:D

ade org post gini kat aq..lagi2 bestfriend aq yg post..mmg best lah.. klu korg suke kenekan kwn laa gini.. ;)

Thursday, 9 June 2011


ehem..testing..testing..oke korg pena x mnpk kawan pompuan korg..berpure2 ade pakwe..semate-mate utk jeleskan kite..haha..senang kater org2 camni..pathetic and x ptot idop..okelah..die nk jeleskan kiter..tpi..what's the point?? ape ko dpt klu wat gitu?? please lah..warga hawa..jgn lah jdk camni..annoying giler..

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Nur Nabila Syazwani..

oit.klu ko bace lah blogg aq (rasenyer x kot) nk ckp thanks kat ko sebb da kasik aq advice2 yg cukop bergune..selain tu nk ckp thanks sebb sudi perg like ngan aq.. hehe..

SOO..slideshow.. ~geleng-geleng~

x reti wat slideshow lah..huh!! saketnyer hati..buang mase btol.. spe reti..tlong bgi tips..

facebook and real world..i pick facebook..^__^

i know mark zuckerberg (is that correct??) anyway..he has created a great social program called facebook.. here's a thing bout FB ..i think we spend to much time on fb instead of studying and stuff.. i am no nerd but studying is important to us cause you know..if u want to online in the got to have money..and money comes from work..and no brain=no work=no money=no fb.. that's how my mind works..that's one conflict..

another one is..sometimes we chat and comment and post and birthday posts..yeah..but in school..SHE don't even bother to look at my face..crap rite.. yeah so much for FRIENDS FOREVER in the chatbox...hope you guys don't be like that bitc*..
this is the bitc*..

thir conflict..we tell everything in our fb ..until in school..we don't even have to hangout or talk..cause we told everything in our this scene..this is how i feel everyday..

well at least..she talks to me..

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Santan or susu?? on9 fb malam2..da ngantok sgt ni..x nk tido..sebol-bole nk penyelesaian yg pling sesuai adelah.. BUAT KOPI!!! aq pown buat lah..nescafe 4 sudu..gule 4 sudu..dah kcau2..tgok mmg sedap..skali biler minum..%$#@!^!! MAK DATUK!! pahit giler!! oke..nk kaver pahit..letk gule sket..pahit nmpk lah susu sejat dlm satu tupperware..letk laa sampai kopi tu ade rupe kopi ssu..okelah.MINUM KOPI SUSU..sedap btol..mmg nikmat Tuhan kasik..pastu tgh2 chat ngan Nabila Nur Syazwani..tetibe abg ku (Haziq) dtg..die kater..ea..umah kiter ade susu ea?? aq pown jwb.. "ade..kat bwh2 sket dlm fridge tu.."..pastu die pown carik..leps 1/2 jam (lame giler carik susu)..die tye ngan aq..weyh..susu mne??aq tunjuk lah..dlm tupperware merah tu.. skali die ketawe kuat giler..die ckp"ni santan bodoh!!"..mak ai..x sangke idop aq ni dpt merase kopi santan..sedap pulak tu..klu x de susu bole gantikan ngan santan.. -,-" kengkawan nk cube?? cubelah..sedap lagi berKRIM..


ade kala biler org nk IM kowang mesti kowang suke kan..nnti die tye sehat ke x,da mkn belom..stuff like pown pena laa x tau add sorg budak ni..pompuan..die kat mutual add lah..die approve..pastu die bkak IM chat ngan aq..camnilah bentuk chat kiter..

Girl: salam..
aq(me): wasalam..
Girl: okelah..gtg..buhbye..nice knowing you
aq: oke..nice to meet you too..hope we chat again soon..(NOT!)
sampai ni jek kiter nyer yg amt menarik..mmg byk isi yg diberikan..
pastu comeback prof die..remove..haha!!

Dear ferocious,tiny,furry,shit-a-lot,disgusting rodents (HAMSTERS)

Dear hamsters (devil's pet)..

you know..we paid a lot of good money to support you with your food,shelter,wood shavings,decorations,your bathing stuff and lastly but not least.. YOUR BATHROOM!! you know what bathrooms are for?? for you to shit in it..(sorry for the words)..yeah..that's right.. soo could you please SHIT in the bathroom instead of at MY HOUSE'S i don't have to wipe your SHIT everytime you SHIT..i know you guys are many..but could i stand wiping 12 hamster's SHIT.. that's right..12 butts to produce more shits.. so please..DO NOT HAVE *** AND PRODUCE MORE SHITTING MACHINES.....


this is only half of the shitting machines..yess they may look know something that's not cute in hamsters?? SHIT!!

Monday, 6 June 2011


GUYS!!! okay..i need to confess..i'm not much of a tech dude i'm a (buta technology) so as you guys can see..or heard..the MUSICDUMPER is mixed i have two songs playing at the same time.. %@&$!#
my god!! this sucks..okay..i want to have 2 songs..but not AT THE SAME TIME!! so for the time being..just pause one of them.. if you like rock/rap..pause "price tags".if you like slow songs.. pause "waiting for the end"..
if any of you have a solution.. please..i repeat.. PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP..please comment.. thank you..


OKE GUYS!! check out the games you could play at my blog..try beating my high score in pinball..haha ..nice..for those puppy lover..this is the rite place for you..

BAHASA MALAYSIA.. what's up guys..guess i am going to speak in BM!!! tadi..time aq nk beli makanan..tiba2 ade satu awek ni..dtg kat aq..muke die..bole lah..umo same ngan aq..tetibe die duduk sebelah aq..die tye.. name sape?? sek kat ne? leps da bebual lame2..die kasik nombo..leps tu aq amek laa nombo ckp.. "mlm nnti saye mesej"..pastu die jwb.."okey..tpi tu bukn nombo saya..tu nombo adek saya..hehe.."..paleotak die!! nk wat pe siak ngan nombo tu..adek die ntah manusia ke x aq x tau..harap muke lawa..otak.. -,-"..

check out my latest pic!! patrick meets his dad!!

The very first 4 pics ever..

salah satu favourite pic aq..PATRICK JUMPE AYH DIE!!

Me(right) and my buddy syed..(left)

me testing FarahDidi's guitar..her name is Nicki..

I am a Muslim and I am PROUD...

Sunday, 5 June 2011


in any days,this is favourite time of the week.. SATURDAY MORNING!!! i get up late like,11pm..start eating,sleep again,eat again,online my fb,twitter,blogging,sleep,eat,watch some tv,online again,chat with some dudes,sleep again, eat, tv again,and then FINALLY some good night sleep..i haven't sleep the whole day.. HAHAHA..all this action is done while i am listening to "BRUNO MARS-LAZY SONG"

today's word-FUCK
but we all know that is just a lame excuse to say FUCK out loud..

free gifts?? what;s up with that??

free gifts?? that's weird cause..i thought all gifts are free,,i mean..have u ever seen a guy is paying to get his birthday gifts?? haha!! so use your english correctly and say "gifts" not "free gifts".another thing.. "FOOTBALL" we all know football is the sport which a lot of people chasing after 1 ball.. but another "football" is like rugby..the one where people use their "HANDS" instead of their "FOOT"..that doesn't make any sense at all.. world..please don't mess with the words.. .

today's word- fully -
try replacing totally with fully..
-i FULLY understand you..
-i FULLY loves you
-FULLY cool dude..
try it sometimes..

TODAY...not a good day.

hurmm..this is the 1st time i ever actually "blog"..i guess this gonna suck.. -,-"..nevermind wat people think..i just wanna let it all go.. so today..i haven't done my h/w,all 5 of them..i just fell down a flight of stairs,my mom scold me cause i eat too much,my dad scold cause i haven't been eating much.. -,-" i guess i should not care what other thinks?? and then.. my friend shout at me.. "you don't care what i think!!" is effin hard..other than that..a teacher i love..just called me an arrogant person..i guess..i have BETTER days than today.